Multidisciplinary artist

News & Accolades

Some news and accolades

I am Love Selected at the FARO International Film Festival!

Here’s some exciting news to kick-off the new year!

“I am Love” (written, directed, produced and edited by Guilherme) was officially selected at the FARO International Film Festival (FARO Concurso de Cinema Mediterraneo e Mundial) in Portugal this January. The film was nominated for and competed in the Best Queer Drama category.

To view the full list of nominees and winners, click here.

Guilherme Pedra
Roteiro de Curta-Metragem "Desponte" Selecionado no Concurso de Roteiros do 11º FIACINE

O roteiro de curta-metragem de ficção desenvolvido por Guilherme, intitulado “Desponte”, foi selecionado no Concurso de Roteiros do 11º FIACINE.

O curta tem a seguinte sinopse:

“Durante um ensolarado e idílico final de semana em um sítio no interior de São Paulo, os pré-adolescentes Joca e Théo vivem suas divertidas brincadeiras de sempre. Mas quando Théo usa seu estilingue para matar um pássaro no pomar, o mundo de Joca colapsa. Marcada a cisão entre os dois melhores amigos, resta a Joca entender os sentimentos ambivalentes que sente e lidar com a violenta passagem da infância para a adolescência.”

Para conferir a programação completa do festival, acesse o link clicando aqui.

English: Guilherme’s screenplay for a short film he’s developing has been selected at the 11th FIACINE, a festival dedicated to Ibero-american Cinema.

Guilherme Pedra
Cineclube Remake: Guilherme e Equipe Levam Prêmios de "Melhor Cena" e "Melhor Atriz"

Na exibição e premiação ocorrida no dia 1º de outubro de 2024, como parte da finalização do processo criativo do laboratório Cineclube Remake, a cena dirigida por Guilherme levou os prêmios de “Melhor Atriz” (para Marília Curtolo) e de “Melhor Cena”.

A banca avaliadora, responsável por eleger os premiados nas categorias de “Melhor Ator”, “Melhor Atriz”, “Melhor Diretor” e “Melhor Cena”, foi composta por profissionais do mercado audiovisual como Michel Carvalho (roteirista e diretor), Felipe Cabral (diretor, roteirista e ator), Camilo Cavalcanti (produtor executivo), Bruna Trindade (roteirista, diretora e atriz), Alberto Lopes (produtor executivo e executivo criativo), Marcela Büll (consultora, agente e atriz), entre outros.

Você pode assistir ao trabalho finalizado clicando aqui.

Para ler sobre o Cineclube Remake na mídia, clique aqui e acessa a matéria da Gazeta da Semana.

Abaixo, confira algumas fotos da premiação!

Guilherme Pedra
Projeto de Longa-metragem de Guilherme é Finalista no LATINX 2024! | Guilherme is a Finalist at the LATINX 2024 Competition with his feature-film treatment!

O Concurso de Argumentos de longa-metragem LATINX 2024, um importante concurso para roteiristas emergentes, anunciou o resultado final nesta semana. Guilherme não somente ficou entre os 10 finalistas, como terminou na 4ª colocação com seu argumento “Cajueiro”.

Nesta edição, o concurso contou com a participação de importantes nomes do Cinema Brasileiro em sua banca avaliadora, como Lillah Halla e Bartolomeu Luiz, que leram os 10 melhores argumentos finalistas.

Para saber mais sobre o concurso, clique aqui. Para saber mais sobre o Latin American Training Center (LATC), clique aqui.

Colocação final do projeto de longa-metragem “Cajueiro”, de Guilherme Pedra, em 4º lugar, no Concurso LATINX 2024.

Guilherme Pedra
Cineclube Remake: Directing Bootcamp/Workshop

Guilherme directed a scene for a film bootcamp/workshop with Cineclube Remake, in São Paulo, Brasil. The project was created by Luiza Prado, with the purpose of analyzing and recreating scenes from iconic films.

Guilherme worked on a scene from “Paris, Texas” (1984, directed by Wim Wenders).

To read a news article (in Portuguese) about the experience, click here.

Guilherme Pedra
Guilherme at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival

Guilherme traveled to France for the first time in his life in May 2022 to attend the Cannes Film Festival. Having been selected to the Creative Mind Group internship program in 2020, the global pandemic pushed his attendance to 2022. Through the Creative Mind Group, he was placed at XYZ Films, where he interned for the International Sales and Distribution team.

The experience was intense, enriching and unforgettable, and the Festival couldn’t be more magical. Being immersed in the world of Cinema is priceless. Here’s to seeing the Croisette many more times!

Guilherme Pedra
I am Love is an official selection at the Raindance Film Festival!

I am Love has been officially selected to be a part of the 2021 edition of the Academy Award® qualifying Raindance Film Festival! This is exciting news! The film will play as part of the Queer Shorts Programme.

Check out the full list of other official festival selections:

  • Best Shorts Competition, Winner: Award of Excellence, 2021

  • Florida Shorts, Semi-finalist, 2021

  • London Indie Short Festival, Semi-finalist, 2021

  • Chelsea Film Festival 2021 (Jury presided by Academy Award® winner for writing for "Moonstruck“, John Patrick Shanley) 

  • Anatolia International Film Festival 2021

  • Silicon Beach Film Festival 2021

  • Golden Bridge Istanbul Short Film Festival 2021

  • Stamped Film Festival 2021

  • Iconic Images Film Festival 2021

  • Kalakari Film Festival 2022

Guilherme Pedra
I am Love wins Award of Excellence at the Best Shorts Competition

I am Love has officially started its festival run and has won an award at its first festival selection! The film was selected at the Best Shorts Competition (June 2021 season) and won the Award of Excellence.

The Best Shorts Competition is an IMDb-qualified online international awards competition established in 2011 that gives the opportunity to emerging talent as well as established filmmakers to showcase their work and have them judged and awarded. In 2018, Elsewhere — A Flor Azul, won the Award of Merit from the festival.

Guilherme Pedra
The Right Reasons™ is a Finalist at the Houston Comedy Film Festival!

"The Right Reasons™" was officially selected at the Houston Comedy Film Festival, which takes place Friday June 12, 2020 at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema La Centerra, TX.

The short is also a Best Comedy Film and Best Director (Guilherme Pedra and Liana Sonenclar) finalist!

You can read more information about the short on Fish on a Top Hat Film Collective's website at:

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Guilherme Pedra
The Right Reasons™ at the Lee Strasberg Film Festival 2020

“The Right Reasons™” was selected at the 2020 Lee Strasberg Film Festival, which took place Friday, March 6th. During the awards ceremony, our three lead actresses Liana Sonenclar, Ana Moioli and Giorgia Valenti were each nominated for Best Actress, with Liana Sonenclar ultimately receiving the accolade. The short was also nominated for Best Screenplay.

You can find the complete list of winners at their website here:

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Guilherme Pedra
Music Video for "Aluminum Overcast" by Early Gray Premieres at Lincoln Center on December 18th!

Recently shot, directed and edited by Guilherme Pedra, the music video for the song “Aluminum Overcast” by Early Gray (formed by singer/guitarist Drake Duffer and pianist Owen Dodds), starring Shai Frumkin, will premiere with a live performance by the band at Lincoln Center, on December 18th, 2019.

The event is free and you can RSVP on the link below:

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Guilherme Pedra
"The Right Reasons™" is Coming Soon!

“The Right Reasons™” is a short satire on ABC's "The Bachelor and it's coming soon! The sketch will run the festival circuit in the coming months and should be available in the Spring. Stay tuned!

Written by Liana Sonenclar, Directed by Guilherme Pedra & Liana Sonenclar, Cinematography & Editing by Guilherme Pedra, Production Sound by João Pedro Drumond, Hair & Makeup by Gabriela Fontes & Sound Design by Chris Cush.

Starring: Ana Moioli as Cat, Giorgia Valenti as Juniper & Liana Sonenclar as Jazmin.

Fall 2019

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Guilherme Pedra